Deco Bike Share in Miami Beach – Second Best Bike Share System in the United States?

Capital Bike share (2nd year) Deco Dashboard (almost two years. Deco 2nd year

Here is a great article on why Capital Bike Share is the best in the United States:

But lets look at the facts and compare the two most popular bike share solutions in the United States:

In terms of size, ridership, and financial viability—is in Washington, D.C. How
did D.C. accomplish this unlikely task?

1. Funding (Financial Viability):

Miami Beach: Paid for by Deco Bike

Washington DC: Paid for by US tax payers

2. Rides in the first two years (Ridership):

Miami Beach: 2,153,350

Washington DC: 1,851,857

3. Members (both annual and walk up):

Miami Beach: 600,000+

Washington DC: 270,000

4. Size:

Miami Beach: 100 Stations

Washington DC: 189 Stations

After the second try at a bike share solution, Washington DC has done a great job building and implementing Capital Bike Share. Deco Bike in Miami – second best bike share system in the United States?

New York City with 10,000 bikes and a sponsor of 30+ million dollars will be taking the crown away from Washington.

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Sacramento To Add Public Bike Share Solution

Deco bike pic

“Imagine a new public transportation system for Sacramento, flexible, cheap and sustainable, providing cardio-workout benefits and devouring near-zero energy. The system is neither experimental nor destined to become obsolete in a few years. In fact, it’s been tested in various formats for years and is established globally as a marvel of engineering logic.”

Bixi/Alta Continue Delays Even for Bike Share Systems Trying to Expand


Washington DC doesn’t have to contend with the software issues, as they’re system uses the older proven core technology. Will San Diego launch before San Fransisco, Chicago and New York?

8D Technologies Sues BiXi Bike Share for 26 Million – New York, Chattanooga and San Francisco Deployments Delayed

Let me get this correct. PBSC has to sell the export side of the company because Bergeron’s report pointed out that under the city’s charter, it has no legal right to be involved in a commercial enterprise, they have a 108 million dollar loan guarantee from the City of Montreal, the original technology provider is now suing the company for 26 million dollars  – – so does this mean the potential owners of the system would now have a 26 million dollar lawsuit to contend with?

How will this affect the future of the 10,000 bike system going into New York, the 3000 bike system going into Chicago, let alone the pilot program in San Fransisco and other pending systems? If this doesn’t bring a little uncertainty to city officials nothing will, maybe more than just Montreal tax payers will be on the hook for the popular bike share system?

Few people know that it is 8D Technologies that developed the core technological solution that powers the BIXI bike-sharing system, which in turn has greatly contributed to the worldwide reputation and recognized success of the system, which is currently deployed, using 8D’s technological solution, in a dozen cities on three continents.

8D’s wireless, solar-powered 8D BSS (Bike Sharing System) technological solution primarily contains the following hardware and software components, which were conceptualized and are owned by 8D Technologies: the payment terminals (designed by Québécois industrial designer Michel Dallaire), electronic boards (for the terminal and bike docks), a comprehensive back office software solution that fully addresses the management and operational needs of the bike-sharing schemes regarding payments, operations management, accounts, billings, subscriptions and payments, power control (solar energy), user interaction, communication between bike docks and payment terminals, configuration, monitoring and operations. From a services point of view, 8D manages the majority of the bike-sharing schemes in the cities around the world, from its installations in Montreal, the hosting services being part of the solution it provides. 8D also created the Spotcycle mobile application for iPhone, BlackBerry Android, and the Spotcycle Web application.”

“Montreal’s auditor general says the city missed several crucial steps in the creation and management of the Bixi bike-sharing program.

In a report released Monday, Auditor General Jacques Bergeron said the city didn’t properly study the program’s feasibility before its launch. He also said the city it has no authority to market and export the concept, and the Bixi service will cost taxpayers millions for years to come.

Bergeron wrote in his report that basic elements of management were neglected, including risk and cost-benefit analyses, and allowance for a financial margin of error.

In May, city council approved a $108-million bailout package for the program, including $37-million to cover Bixi’s deficit, and another $71-million in loan guarantees to export and develop the system abroad.

Exporting the concept is a major source of income for the program.

But Bergeron’s report pointed out that under the city’s charter, it has no legal right to be involved in a commercial enterprise.”

What does a core technology change for BiXi mean?

Please comment if any of this information is incorrect.

Oklahoma City Picks SandVault for Bike Share Solution!

Sustainability: Is Affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, offers a choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development.

SPOKIES – The new Public Bike Share solution for the City of Oklahoma City will launch in the spring of 2012!

With the changing dynamic of Public Bike Share – SPOKIES will use 100 bicycles already purchased for their public bike share solution. Oklahoma City is the only City in North America to use bicycles previously purchased and modified for a public bike share.

Oklahoma City (OKC) will be using the “Deco Bike” ( philosophy for a completely sustainable public bike share solution. By using bikes already purchased, and by hiring a local company “Downtown OKC” to market, and operate the system, it will be Built by locals for locals.

OKC has partnered with SandVault Group to supply the technology for the public bike share pilot. “We partnered with SandVault ( because when we expand the system to hit critical mass we hope to build the rest of the system locally using local manufacturers as well as marketing and operating the system locally.

The fee structure has been approved and has been designed specifically for the OKC market.

Downtown OKC will create an image that fit into the local environment that will be marketable to locals and local businesses making bike sharing a sustainable, alternate mode of transportation in the downtown area.

Deco Bike – The ONLY Experienced Operator in North America Making Public Bike Share Truly Sustainable!

Sustainability: Is Affordable, operates fairly and efficiently, offers a choice of transport mode, and supports a competitive economy, as well as balanced regional development.

Deco Bike has changed the dynamic of Public Bike Share! They are the only large scale Public Bike Share operator to implement a completely sustainable solution. “Every day each DECOBIKE is used on average 5 to 6 times by residents, tourists, and the Beautiful People who flock to Miami Beach, Florida. DECOBIKE is the first privately funded city-wide bike-sharing system in North America. It has completed its first year by logging close to 720,000 rides, with 100,000 in the last 30 days.” – Russell Meddin bike-sharing blog

It is much more than the fact that the program is popular, or that the Public Bike Share system was completely funded privately, Deco Bike took the concept of sustainability and implemented from scratch.

First they pick a partner/supplier (SandVault) that would help with design but allowed a large portion of the system to be built locally, this does not happen with Bcycle or BiXi. “Built by locals for locals” was the first part of the sustainable business solution.

Second is to have the Public Bike Share system operated by locals – this is the second part of the business solution, and continues as Deco Bike expands throughout North America and beyond.

Third was to develop a fee structure that allowed the system to be financially successful, but affordable in the Miami Beach market.

Fourth was to create an image that fit into the local environment that allowed the system to be marketable to locals and local businesses making bike sharing cool and sexy in Miami Beach – another success. “Starting with 550 bikes, there are now 800 bikes in the system. Soon there will 1,000 bikes rolling through the Miami Beach streets and next to the ocean. In its first year, 4% of the City’s residents have subscribed to the long-term membership option. The program is celebrating its anniversary financially in the black.” –Russell Meddin bike-sharing blog

Fifth was to design and assemble a vandal proof bike specifically for the environment that the Public Bike Share solution would be in, this would help with all the first four steps.

This model has not been duplicated by any other operator in North America, of course not every city is the same as Miami Beach, but the idea of having a truly sustainable Public Bike Share solution starts with the proper ideal – this is why there is only one operator in North America that truly has the experience in operating a sustainable Public Bike Share solution.


Derrick Moennick –

Sanitary On Demand Helmet Solution

Great Article From Experienced Bike Share Down Under – Is Vancouver Bike Share Doomed?


Sanitary On Demand Helmet Solution

Sanitary On Demand Helmet Solution


It’s not surprising Vancouver is dragging its feet on implementing the city’s promised bikeshare scheme – it’s one of the few major cities in the world with a law mandating the wearing of helmets by adults. There seems to be good reason for Vancouver to be nervous: the available evidence indicates bikeshare has failed in the only three cities its been tried in where helmets are compulsory i.e. Auckland, Brisbane and Melbourne.

These failures prompted a vigorous campaign in Australia and New Zealand for the repeal of mandatory helmet laws. The aim of advocates extends well beyond the welfare of Australasia’s ailing bikeshare schemes – most want the wearing of helmets to be made a matter of individual choice for all adult cyclists.

New figures released this week show usage of Melbourne Bike Share’s (MBS) blue Bixis reached a record high in January. Still, the performance is poor. On average, each Bixi only gets hired once per day. No data on typical hire times was made available but the pattern in other countries suggests each Bixi is used for less than 30 minutes per dayon average.

Public Bike Share on USA Today!

Public Bike Share

Public Bike Share Stations to Quadruple in 2012!!

To be featured in the travel section of USA Today, is a very welcomed surprise.

The number of public bike share stations deployed in 2012 will quadruple, and this is a modest estimate. With the current number of stations being roughly 560, there will be at least 2500 stations in use going into 2013.

Key factors will be the deployment of public bike share solutions in the following cities: Miami, New York City and Chicago. It seems as though almost every City in North America is investigating the idea of public bike share.

There will be additional options to the public. With integrated safety options like on demand helmets at stations, electric bikes and better facilities (i.e. we will see public bike share help increase the use of bicycling as an extension of public transit all over North America.

We will also see the current public bike share solutions expand. The positive impact of bicycling rather than driving will be realized by all. We will also see the use of electric bicycles; many people have not had the experience of this new found joy.

The concept of the lock on the bike – or smart bike system, will be deployed in some cities without stations. Will this cost effective bike share solution work? We think that the current systems will not be as successful as the 3rd and 4th generation public bike share solutions, however new technologies will be developed in the next few years that will allow this type of system to gain momentum.

Overall 2012 will be a great year for public bike share in North America!

American Public Bike Share Systems Double in 2011!

Public Bike Share Systems  Double in the US!

Nationwide, the total number of cities with bike sharing expanded from 8 to 18, and the total number of bikesharing stations more than doubled, from 251 to 559.

  1. Washington/Arlington, DC/VA: 140 stations – Bixi
  2. Minneapolis/Saint Paul, MN: 115 stations – Bixi
  3. Miami Beach, FL: 70 stations – SandVault
  4. Boston, MA: 61 stations – Bixi
  5. Denver, CO: 52 stations* – Bcycle
  6. Madison, WI: 27 stations – Bcycle
  7. Broward County, FL: 20 stations – Bcycle
  8. San Antonio, TX: 20 stations – Bcycle
  9. Boulder, CO: 15 stations* – Bcycle
  10. Washington State University – Pullman, WA: 8 stations – Bixi
  11. Chicago, IL: 7 stations – Bcycle
  12. Omaha, NE: 5 stations – Bcycle
  13. University of California – Irvine: 4 stations – Zot Wheels
  14. Des Moines, IA: 4 stations – Bcycle
  15. Tulsa, OK: 4 stations – SandVault
  16. Louisville, KY: 3 stations – Bcycle
  17. Kailua, HI: 2 stations – Bcycle
  18. Spartanburg, SC: 2 stations – Bcycle


Alta Design + Bixi Bike Share : “Conflict of interest, stand up and take a bow.”

Alta Design has recently completed a feasibility study for the City of Calgary, you can read it here: You have to decide for yourself if you will participate in this Global trend or not. After reading the study , I was impressed with it. The study is presented well, its information is accurate and thorough – exactly what the study should be!

The Calgary Sun paints a picture of Bikesharing that maybe a little tainted. The Calgary Herald, brings the facts to light… you decide which is more accurate!

Many bike share systems are hitting the Cities in North America. Most are successful if you consider the good that they bring.

The Miami Beach bike share solution, designed by  is the only bike share system that was paid for by a private company and shares the revenue stream with it’s City – New York may be the second!!